Friday, 17 January 2014




                 The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board is constituted under the Electricity (Supply) At, 1948 (Central Act 54 of 1948) and authorised to function as the State Transmission Utility and a Licensee as notified by the Government of Tamil Nadu under provision of clause (a) of Section 172 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for the period upto 15-03-2010.  

Restructuring of TNEB

                In the G.O Ms No 114 dated 08.10.2008, Government of Tamil Nadu has accorded approval in principle for the re-organisation of TNEB by the establishment of a holding company, by the name TNEB Ltd and two subsidiary companies, namely Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Ltd (TANTRANSCO) and Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd (TANGEDCO) with the stipulation that the aforementioned companies shall be fully owned by Government. The Govt. have also constituted a Steering Committee to finalise the transfer scheme for the re-organisation of Board under section 131 of the Electricity Act, 2003.

2. Service Contract was placed to M/s Feedback Ventures Private Limited, Mumbai for “Consultancy Service for restructuring of TNEB” on 02.04.2009.

3. In the G.O Ms No 38 dated 21.05.2009 , the Government of Tamil Nadu has permitted to register the Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Ltd (TANTRANSCO). TANTRANSCO has been incorporated on 15.06.2009.

4. The Certificate of commencement of business has been obtained for the TANTRANSCO on 11.12.2009 and subsequently TANTRANSCO has been inaugurated by the Honourable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 14.12.2009. The orders for appointment of Board of Directors for the TANTRANSCO have been issued by GoTN on 11.12.2009 and Chairman, Managing Director, Director-Transmission Projects, Director-Finance have assumed office on 14.12.2009. Director-Operation was posted on 05.04.2010 and assumed office on 08.04.2010.

5. In the G.OMs No 94 dated 16.11.2009, the Government of Tamil Nadu have permitted to register the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd (TANGEDCO) and TNEB Ltd. TANGEDCO and TNEB Ltd have been incorporated on 01.12.2009. Certificates for commencement of Business have been obtained for TNEB Ltd. and TANGEDCO on 12.03.2010 and 16.03.2010 respectively. The order for appointment of Board of Directors for the above companies have been issued by Government of Tamil Nadu on 05.04.2010 and Chairman cum Managing Director, Director – Projects, Director-Generation and Director Finance have assumed office on 08.04.2010

6. The draft transfer scheme has been prepared and submitted to Government of Tamil Nadu for approval.

Mission of the Tamilnadu Government 

      The Government of India has planned to give “Power for all by 2012”. To achieve this, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board is making progress in Generation, Transmission and Distribution sector. TNEB has completed the electrification of all villages and towns in the state and is also progressing towards electrification of all households.

Installed Capacity

To satisfy the energy needs of the state, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board has a total installed capacity of 10,214 MW which includes Central share and Independent Power Producers. Other than this, the state has installations in renewable energy sources like windmill, Bios mass and Cogeneration up to 5586 MW. As of now, the total installed capacity in Tamil Nadu is 15800 MW.
Thermal Power Station in Tamilnadu 
Thermal Projects Under Commissioning  :
Hydro Projects Under Commissioning:

Joint Venture Projects Under Commissioning :

Feature Project :

Future projects

To meet the ever-increasing energy demand in the coming years, TNEB has proposed new generation projects for the next 5 years. TNEB has fully exploited the hydroelectric potential available in the state. However, to tide over the peak hour shortage, 3 Pumped storage schemes totalling 1200 MW in Kundah (500 MW), Mettur(500 MW) and Vellimalai(200 MW) are available.


Transmission sector of TNEB consists of the following network infrastucture
                  *.HT and EHT or a total length of 1.69 Lakhs Kms.
                  *. A total of 1345 substations .
                 *. 95 Substations in and around Chennai have been provided with SCADA and have been integrated into                          *. Chennai Distribution and control center (DCC)
TNEB has one State Load Dispatch Centre at Chennai and 3 Sub LDCs at Chennai, Madurai and Erode.

The transmission network expansion is aimed at evolving a national power grid to facilitate free flow of power across regional boundaries, raising the transmission voltage from 230 kV to 400 kV level. In order to evacuate bulk power from one region to another region, there is scope for enhancing the transmission capability to 765 KV level. Tamil Nadu Electricity Board has taken up the indigenous erection of 400 KV substations and lines . Establishment of 765 KV transmission lines is also under investigation.

The Government of India has approved nondiscriminatory open access to the transmission system to all generators for injecting power and to any consumer to carry the power from the point of injection to his load. To augment the power supply, the Government of Tamil Nadu has also permitted third party sale of power produced by IPPs, CPPs & other private power producers through short term Intra-State open access to HT consumers within Tamil Nadu as it will provide an incentive to the generators within the State to produce to their full capacity.

An efficient distribution network is needed for effectively utilizing the energy that is generated.TNEB has an efficient network that has grown over the years.

Growth over 51 Years (From 1957)

                               Consumer base from 4.3 Lakhs to about 212 Lakhs

                            Number of Distribution Transformers from 3773 to 1.92 Lakhs

                             Length of LT lines from 13,055 kms to 5.38 Lakhs Kms

                           Peak demand from 172 MW to 10180 MW

                          Per Capita consumption from 21 units to 1080 units

                       Number of electrified towns, villages and hamlets from 1813 to 63956

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